
Banks Looking to Bots for the Next Efficiency Drive

Consumer banking around the world is in crisis. Banks around the western world are closing…

Government Chatbots Want to Talk to You!

Governments both national and local are increasingly interested in using chatbots as a primary method…

Game Bots Provide A Different Story For AI

When applied to game systems in the future players will find it harder to distinguish…

Could A Chatbot Become Your Best Friend, Or Better?

Chatbots can play a practical role in the lives of many. Bots could soon help…

Implementing Chatbots For Ecommerce Stores

Chatbots have transformed the way we interact with the online world. These specialized computer programs…

Focus On The Future of Chatbots

Chatbots are fast becoming part of the here and now for businesses, consumers and public-facing…

How To Market & Sell Your Chatbot To Customers

Chatbots might sound like marketing gold, offering improved, faster automated services to customers, but any…

Chatbot Strategies for 2019

2019 is looking like a great time to launch a chatbot. These strategies will help…

5 Major Benefits Of Chatbots

Chatbots are an increasingly important tool in any businesses customer communications strategy. We look at…

Customer Service Bots: 5 Ways to Build Better Ones

Chatbots might seem like the solution to your businesses’ customer service woes, but there are…