
Chatbots and AI Will Dominate Future Supply Chains to Improve Crisis Response

Retailers love to burble on about how cool and smart their supply chains are, yet…

Does Your Business Need A Phone in 2020?

Phones are a blessing and a curse in modern business. They enable the personal touch,…

Chatbots: From Customer Support, Advisor to Concierge or Sexbot – Set the Right Tone!

Whatever your chatbot, just because its a robot, doesn’t mean it has to be robotic.…

Business Growth in Chatbot and Robotic Automation Highlights a Fresh Decade of Efficiency

Chatbots and RPA are not new technologies, but their growing adoption among business and enterprise…

Keeping AI Real: Find a Great Name for Your Chatbot

You’ve got a great bot, but what are you going to call it? When it…

5 Chatbot and AI Trends for 2020

The stats continue to show chatbots on the rise and AI becoming a growing force…