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Rise of the ChatFAQ or InfoBot

Not all businesses need an AI-powered mega-chatbot capable of answering every question up to and…

The Biggest Sextech Trends to Be Excited About (and Some Caveats)

1. On demand companionship and sex positive chatbots The adaptable, malleable and entirely programmable on…

How Chatbots and AI Could Play Out in the Smart Future

In the week that Elon Musk talks about the progress in his Neuralink brain-machine-interface business,…

Chatbots Grow into Sales and Marketing Tools

The evolution of chatbots from a customer support tool continues as retailers, events, hotels, airlines…

Chatbot Identification Now Law in California and Expected to Spread

A clampdown on video face recognition systems is spreading around major cities, as politicians police…

Robert Downey Junior Talks Real Bots to Save the World

A real flying Iron Man isn’t going to show up any time soon. Even if…