Yvonne Kiely

A journalist and researcher based in Dublin, Yvonne contributes insights and musings on the relationships between sex, gender, and artificial intelligence. She believes that the disruptive ethos of sextech is a viable alternative to the limiting narrative that dominates the design of the sex industry today. Currently a workaholic in denial, Yvonne also researches the music industry, gender, and mass media on her website. Check Yvonne's latest work on: https://lazerguidedreporter.com/

Chatbots Could Help Learners and Teachers in Language Education

More and more we find ourselves imagining the ways in which chatbots can assist us…

How ‘Chatbot’ Narratives Have Evolved in News Media: 1997-2019

It might seem as if words like ‘chatbot’, ‘AI’ and ‘machine learning’ have exploded in…

The Biggest Sextech Trends to Be Excited About (and Some Caveats)

1. On demand companionship and sex positive chatbots The adaptable, malleable and entirely programmable on…

Can Sex Chatbots Be Dominant?

Can sex with a chatbot ever be rewarding? With humans always having the upper hand,…