How Santa Chatbots Can Help You Sell More This Christmas

santa, elf. robot, chatbot, christmas

With the Christmas season getting closer, now’s a great time to start thinking about how Chatbots can enhance your Christmas-related e-commerce strategy. If you’re looking to sell more while also delivering a neat experience for customers, a Santa Chatbot can be a big winner.

From customer service to delivering new content, customers will enjoy the chance to speak with Santa online. It’s something simple that you can set up online and use across a variety of different platforms to drive sales.

Deliver friendly customer service

It’s quite rare for someone to be contacting online customer service because they are having success with what they’re looking to do. This means that they can enter an interaction with a customer service representative or Chatbot with a negative attitude. However, if that customer service entity they are introduced to is Santa, that can have an immediate disarming effect and prove to be a great way of interacting with customers.

By offering a Santa Chatbot to current and potential customers, you can deliver a feeling similar to Christmas Eve. It’s something few other businesses will have the knowledge or know-how to do, and adds seasonal charm where it’s least expected.

Provide a unique experience

Santa is present across all sorts of cultures, and a chance to interact with him can be a neat draw for customers. There aren’t many options for this, so doing so would certainly be something that makes your business stand out. 

At busy shopping times like Christmas, creating these unique experiences is crucial. Shoppers are browsing a high number of retailers, and they can become easy to forget. Similar products blur together, deals are overlooked, and you could lose business. Something interesting like a Santa Chatbot could very well be the difference between you or a competitor getting a crucial sale.

Help with shopping

The main way a Santa Chatbot can drive sales is by helping your customers find Christmas gifts. Because when it comes to giving amazing gifts, who could know more than Santa? There are a few ways you can set up this experience.

The first option is to create a Santa gift suggestion Chatbot. This could exist in both a webchat on a web page or in a messaging platform like Facebook Messenger. Create a Santa personality, and provide it with dialogue that would match his personality. The Chatbot can provide the user with questions that help them find gifts for family and friends. Once the questions are asked, the Santa Chatbot can provide a number of amazing gifts for them to choose from.

The second option, which could theoretically be combined with the first, is to create a Santa chatbot that focuses on customer service. Customers may find it more enjoyable to ask for help when they’re talking to Santa instead of a generic employee. If you already have a Chatbot set up and running, you could simply alter some of the dialogue to fit this new persona.

Moving forward

In the end, it’s up to you to decide how to set your business apart this holiday season. A Santa Chatbot can be as simple or complex as you want it to be. Regardless of what level of sophistication you choose, implementing one puts you on the right path to positive and memorable customer experience.