Author: Nikolett Torok

  • Chatbot Testing: the ultimate business overview

    Chatbot Testing: the ultimate business overview

    Like most people in other technical fields, at Botium we can easily get carried away with what we are currently building, cherishing the tiniest details we carefully thought out and already focusing on future improvements. Our thoughts are constantly revolving around technical jargons and often getting the automatic stigma of being too technical. Although this…

  • The Reasons for Chatbot Failures

    The Reasons for Chatbot Failures

    Chatbots are lead generators, help desks, customer services, reinforcements for brand recognition and so on… but what if customers intentionally avoid talking to your bot? What are the reasons for chatbot failures? What are the biggest impediments for them to interact with your precisely designed “colleague”? How to overcome the bias against chatbots that results…